戦いの結果 Battle Fallout
クロード: エーデルガルトは退いたか……。討ち漏らしちまったな。
Claude: So... Edelgard retreated. I suppose she lives to be defeated another day.
Choice 1: これでいい That's fine.
クロード: ああ、どんな形だろうと、勝ちは勝ちだ。
Claude: I suppose a win is a win, regardless of the circumstances.
Choice 2: 惜しかった It was close.
クロード: ああ、だが負けたわけじゃない。
Claude: Too close. But I suppose all that matters is that we won.
クロード: 味方も傷ついたが、まだ戦える。この結果を受け入れて、前に進もうぜ。
Claude: Some of our allies are injured, but can still fight. We'll just have to accept this outcome and press onward.
Still, the battlefield looks awful. And I wonder what became of the Kingdom army. And Dimitri...
ヒルダ: あたし、彼を見たわ。
Hilda: I saw him.
クロード: ディミトリを?
Claude: Who? Dimitri?
ヒルダ: 昔の彼とは全然違った。悪魔みたいな形相で戦ってて……
Hilda: He was completely different from how I remember him. He looked like a crazed demon while he was fighting.
He pursued Edelgard as she retreated, but he didn't get far before he collapsed.
I saw him surrounded by Imperial troops and... pierced by their spears. I'll never forget it. He deserved a better end.
クロード: そうか……。ここまで来るのも相当な苦労だったはずだが、報われなかったな。
Claude: Dimitri... He went through so much to make it here, only for his efforts to be in vain.
ヒルダ: あたしにはディミトリくんの気持ちなんてちっともわからないけど……
Hilda: I can't even begin to understand what Dimitri must have been feeling, but...
There must have been some other way. Why did he have to go like that?
クロード: ああ。そういや、あいつの従者……ドゥドゥーも死んだのか?
Claude: And his vassal, Dedue... Did he fall as well?
ヒルダ: わからない……
Hilda: I don't know...
ドゥドゥー: 殿下……!
Dedue: Your Highness!
Your ambitions are my own now!
I... I will bring you Edelgard's head... I swear it!